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The husband of one of Spectrum 8 founders, Physical Educator Trish Ackerman, Ed has quickly transitioned from his software development career into one the foundations of building the Spectrum 8 platform as Ed has accepted the role of Chief Information Officer with Spectrum 8 Sports.  Edmund was born in Bristol, Connecticut. He was born into a large family of five (5) children. Due to his proximity to the ocean, Edmund grew up with a love of the sea. Therefore, at a young age, it was not a surprise that he joined the United States Navy. His love of the sea continued when he relocated later in life to Naples, Florida. Ed acquired a sea-faring boat and can often be found out on the water enjoying the sun, the sea, and fishing. He is married to the love of his life, Patricia Ackerman.

She was the connection that led Edmund to Spectrum 8 Sports. During her career as Department Chair at Gulf Coast High School, Patricia had the pleasure of working with Kent Baker, the creator and owner.  Edmund is a veteran programmer and developer of election-related software with an extensive background and a proven record in design and implementation. He has a history of effective interpersonal relationships with personnel, clients, sales managers, governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies, and multifunctional project teams. Edmund has also demonstrated his ability to bring new and innovative approaches to establish technical processes. An “out of the box” thinker with strong abilities and creative thinking, he is more than capable of bringing this product to life. 


Edmund is a veteran programmer and developer of election-related software with an extensive background and a proven record in design and implementation. He has a history of effective interpersonal relationships with personnel, clients, sales managers, governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies, and multifunctional project teams. Edmund has also demonstrated his ability to bring new and innovative approaches to establish technical processes. An “out of the box” thinker with strong abilities and creative thinking, he is more than capable of bringing this product to life.

Why I am Committed to Spectrum 8​


“My wife, Patricia “Trish” Ackerman introduced me to Kent Baker. Although sports were her bailiwick and were not necessarily mine, I was immediately taken by Kent’s proposal for the development of a physical assessment program that communicates via the use of color. When I saw how the use of color not only motivated the children but also how much fun they were having, I was “hooked”. The fact that this software is being developed to help people throughout their entire life cycle is also a motivating factor. It is particularly motivating to me since I am now in the category of “senior citizen” and understand how very important health is to the quality of our lives.


”Ed's innovation and creativity has help create many of the early features of the Spectrum 8 software application." He has made seamless transition into the world of physical education and athletic assessment. He unquestionably has taken on some key roles in our development and has responded with impressive results."

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Contact us for any assistance or inquiries. Let us know how we can help you and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


(561) 561-8336

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